Applied Mathematics II Note and Solutions

Ordinary Differential Equation 1 (html)

Differential Equation P.67 Ex. 4 Q23 (doc)

Note on permutation and combination (Chinese, doc, 86k)

Probability (A) P.27 Ex. 1 Q40 (doc)

Probability (A) P.28 Ex. 1 Q46 (doc)

Probability (A) P.37 Ex. 2a Q17 (Chinese, doc)

Expand the probability of union of events

Solving Recrrence relation: why it works (Chinese, doc)

Applied Mathematics Story: 生男生女 (Chinese, doc)

Applied Mathematics Story: 敏感問題 (Chinese, doc)

Power-point show: Statistical Inference

Power-point show: Confidence_Interval
  Confidence_Interval (an example)

Power-point show: Hypothesis Testing
